We make full use of the public dimension of the hotel business in our activities in support of culture and art. These activities are an expression of our respect for culture and art, which we have steadily maintained ever since our founding, and our convictions as an enterprise that is helping to build a more rewarding society for tomorrow.
Hotel Okura Tokyo opened its doors in May 1962 with the aspiration to be a distinctively Japanese hotel with a world-class status. Besides providing first-rate services as a matter of course, the hotel was distinguished by space whose design and creation embodied traditional Japanese aesthetics. It is at the same time a crystallization of the artisitic sensibility of Baron Kishichiro Okura, its founder and Mr. Iwajiro Noda, then President, who wanted to offer guests from around the world hospitality in the Japanese spirit of “wa” (harmony).

They were convinced that hotels were ideal places for bringing people together and fostering cultural and artistic exchange.
We will continue to support art and culture from a global perspective hand in hand with our guests from around the world. We are also going to continue to consider what contributions can be made only by the Okura, and fervently hope that the exchange born under our roof will stir people's souls and become a creative force for making tomorrow's society better.

The Okura Tokyo Cultural Fund

The Okura Tokyo Cultural Fund established on April, 2017

The fund was established to support the arts and culture to encourage mécénat activities.

Based on our mécénat activities for the art, music and international exchange, we support activities focused on these fields.


Lobby Concert 25 since1987

Lobby Concert 25 Lobby Concert 25
-Staging of an acoustic concert in our Lobby on the 25th of each month.

This is a series of free concerts allowing guests to enjoy various performances, by young musicians, of classical pieces and works in other genres as well. Glasses of complimentary sparkling wine are also served at the venue.

Hotel Okura Music Award since 1996

Hotel Okura Music Award Hotel Okura Music Award
-Presentation of awards to two new musicians who have made outstanding achievements and have a promising future.

The annual award was instituted to nurture and support the growth of promising musicians and to assist Japan’s artistic and cultural advancement. The awardees are presented with a grant and a supplementary prize. We also host a special edition of Lobby Concert 25 that features the awardees and is well attended by music lovers.

Winner of the MECENAT Award 2021


The Okura Tokyo has received an award for excellence in fiscal 2021 at the MECENAT Awards sponsored by the Association for Corporate Support of the Arts.  Lobby Concert 25, which has been held on the 25th of every month since the hotel celebrated its 25th anniversary in 1987, was selected as an activity that delivers real music while utilizing the hotel's own resources. The Hotel Okura Music Award, which has been given out since 1996 for the purpose of supporting young musicians, was also selected because it enhances the quality of the entire music world.
» Click here for Press Release (PDF)

Concert of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony since 1987

Concert of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony Concert of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony
-Participation-oriented concert with a chorus consisting of music buffs and hotel staff.

Music lovers who volunteer to take part and interested members of our staff rehearse for about six months and demonstrate the results in a concert held at Suntory Hall. Through the medium of this magnificent symphony, the concert unites the conductor, soloists, chorus, orchestra, and audience in spirit, and allows all to experience the wonder and joy of music from various aspects.

International Exchange

10 countries’ Gardening Exhibition
Annual World Gardening Fair in Okura since 2000 - 2018

Annual World Gardening Fair in Okura Annual World Gardening Fair in Okura
-Gardens presented by wives of ambassadors from ten different countries in Okura’s banquet room.

A collaborative showcase of flowers from around the world attracting some 20,000 visitors during the “Golden Week” holiday.
In this event, the wives of ambassadors to Japan from 10 countries around the world create distinctive gardens that utilize the flowers and trees of their respective countries and express their respective cultures and traditions. The opening ceremony is also graced by the presence of Her Imperial Highness Princess Takamadonomiya.
Beginning with the 2008 show, a portion of the profits is being donated to the NGO Save the Children Japan to provide aid to underprivileged children. As such, the event has taken on the dual character of both a program to foster international goodwill and a charity function.
We have donated to TOMODACHI Initiative in 2015


Treasured Works of Art-Charity Art Collection :
“Saving the Chidren of the World through Art”since 1994 - 2018

Treasured Works of Art-Charity Art Collection Treasured Works of Art-Charity Art Collection
-A collaborative event combining charity and famous works of art Contact with genuine beauty can inspire boundless creative energy.

Hosted by the Corporate Cultural Exchange Committee, which was established by members of companies with an appreciation of the value of social contribution activities, the exhibition is a charity event that collects and exhibits to the public precious works of art that are owned by companies, organizations, or individuals and therefore ordinarily cannot be viewed. As a member of the Committee, Hotel Okura Tokyo actively cooperates with it by providing space to hold it and other assistance. All of the net profit is donated to Japanese Red Cross Society, NHK Public Welfare Organization, and other groups involved in charity for the underprivileged children of the world.